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About Us

All the Who Was That Person? and Who Was That Baby? books were written and created by Dr. Donna Schwontkowski, who started the journey into face recognition in 2001 after the Twin Tower Disaster in New York City. She prayed for a way that she could help, and the answer came in a dream to use her background of teaching accelerated learning and memory to teach the public how to view a face with accuracy after just a glance.

After years of comparisons of thousands of faces, her textbook on face recognition, Million Dollar Memory for Names & Faces, was released in 2005. The textbook principles were then adapted for the public and Dr. Donna began teaching face recognition and identification to elementary school children by 2010 and 2012. The children made the evening news with their story as they witnessed a crime and recorded over 25 characteristics of the face of the suspect.

Interest in face recognition picked up in the robotics industry during the years 2010 to 2020, and after all the mask wearing, the general public has been awakened to the idea that they really did miss seeing faces and are interested in the topic.

Dr. Donna’s background includes a doctorate in chiropractic medicine, master’s and bachelor’s degree in nutrition, master’s in herbology, and more. She taught thousands of chiropractic students accelerated learning for many basic science and clinical subjects they were studying, providing seminars on learning half the semester’s information in 3 to 6 hours. When testing the efficacy of the method, students’ scores were in the 90s with no review of the information for 7 days.

The Million Dollar Memory team that creates the series and other products consists of top-notch graphic designers as well.

To contact us, send us an email at [email protected]

Who Was That Person

You may not have thought much about how mask wearing is damaging to humans but watch this short video that explains the reasons.

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